ETX Capital’s New Platform is Coming

Just a short note to say that ETX Capital will shortly be launching a new trading platform, so if you haven’t got an ETX Capital account, now might be a good time to get one.

The new platform will be fully customisable, so that you can arrange your trading screen exactly how you like it. Actually, I like it just the way it is, so I’m pleased to hear that…

“Because we know that the original ETX Capital view is preferred by many we have kept the traditional view as a default screen that can never be over written, ensuring you can always revert back to the standard ETX Capital layout.”

You already know that I like their Trade-through Charts, and I was further encouraged today by their email to me which said “Guaranteed Stops will be live on your account from Monday 24th September.”

I think I’ll be using ETX Capital a whole lot more than I already am.

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