Start with Stops! (at Spreadbet Magazine)

The other week, I dropped in on Richard Jennings — editor of Spreadbetting Magazine. We talked about some of our mutual acquaintances in the industry, and our favourite stocks. We also popped out for a “steak sandwich” at the local Italian (as you do at an Italian restaurant).
The upshot is that I found myself contributing an article to this month’s edition of the magazine. My original title of “Start with Stops!” (which I thought was rather catchy) somehow go changed to “Stop Start” (which is almost as catchy) but otherwise it went to press pretty much as I intended. It’s a nice read en route to reading my book about Stop Orders.

Two Steps to Better Spread Betting:

1) Buy the Better Spread Betting Book
2) Sign up with Capital Spreads, IG, ETX Capital, or Spread Co

Disclaimer: this posting is for general education only; it is not trading advice.