We don’t all have iPhones, although I did have one for a short while in order to review some of the spread betting iPhone apps. No, I’m an Android man, mainly because I’m otherwise bought into the Google cloud computing ecosystem for email, docs, and on-line storage accessible via my Chromebook.
On the subject of Android, I received an email this morning announcing the new Spread Co Android App. I’ll take a look at it myself, and write something up as soon as I find the time. If you’re looking to spread bet via an Android app on your phone or tablet, you might take a look at Spread Co (obviously), Ayondo, IG, and InterTrader, all of whom offer Android apps.
Two Steps to Better Spread Betting:
1) Buy the Better Spread Betting Book
2) Sign up with Ayondo or InterTrader
Disclaimer: this posting is for general education only; it is not trading advice.