Getting into The Swing at Spreadbet Magazine

Would you believe it? As soon as I had written my Swing Trading piece for Spreadbet Magazine, the markets broke upwards out of their prior trading range(s) and started — hopefully — trending upwards rather than continuing to swing. Lucky, then, that I raised this possibility in my conclusion to the article. And it just goes to show that… markets change… so it might soon be time to start “swinging” again! In the meantime, the current up-trend is good for my Position Trading portfolio(s).

I noticed that an error had crept into the article somewhere along the line, whereby the same chart was included twice. So here is what the second chart (the one on page 85) should have looked like:

DAX Swing

Two Steps to Better Spread Betting:

1) Buy the Better Spread Betting Book
2) Sign up with Capital Spreads, IG, ETX Capital, or Spread Co

Disclaimer: this posting is for general education only; it is not trading advice.