Today’s Biggest Surprises!

I was going to title this posting “Today’s Biggest Gainers”, but it seems more appropriate to title it “Today’s Biggest Surprises”. This is what I woke up to on a couple of trades that I opened in the past couple of days:

Trade of Week Surprises

They were surprises because mining stocks seem to have been on a perpetual down-slide for the past few days, weeks, months, or even years. Maybe this is the turnaround before some big pushes higher, and — if not — then you can see I’m well protected by my guaranteed stop orders which are now around the break-even levels but with plenty of wriggle room.Well, it’s a change from me going on about the Barratt pyramided position trade, which is also in the ascendency again today 🙂

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1) Buy the Better Spread Betting Book
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Disclaimer: this posting is for general education only; it is not trading advice.