Archive | September, 2012

Trading the Price Pendulum

And now for something a little different. My latest article over at TRADERS’ Magazine is titled Trading the Price Pendulum. It draws on the idea of a pendulum as an analogy for the way markets move: swinging from bearish to bullish and back again, gaining momentum and then losing it again, meeting support and resistance at […]

No news is good news…

Sorry it’s been a bit quite here at Better Spread Betting for the past few days, but I’ve been busy working on Project FX (the new Forex book) that I hinted at when I told you about my Grand Day Out at RPD FX (and ETX Capital). I’ll tell you more about the new book, […]

Bonus "Trade of The Week" on Petropavlovsk

Since nobody likes to see a losing trade (whatever you argue to the contrary) I have supplemented this week’s original “trade of the week” with this one featuring gold miner Petropavlovsk. Here’s what the result of the opened-and-closed trade looked like with IG Index… and I must remember to start calling them simply “IG”: It […]

ETX Capital’s New Platform is Coming

Just a short note to say that ETX Capital will shortly be launching a new trading platform, so if you haven’t got an ETX Capital account, now might be a good time to get one. The new platform will be fully customisable, so that you can arrange your trading screen exactly how you like it. […]

Trading "Other People’s Money"

A short note today, to say that I took my “Alternative Equity Curve” account positive… simply to show that I could: The significance of this is that I have now taken all of my deposited cash (plus £25 for my trouble) from the account while leaving about £300 worth of equity (i.e. accumulated positions + […]

Two Lines are Better Than One! (or are they?)

If you’ve used the MetaTrader client terminal to trade foreign exchange currency pairs via a provider such as RPD FX, you will have noticed how the charts that are embedded in order tickets show two price lines rather than one. The lower line shows the bid (selling) price and the upper line shows the ask […]

Hot Off The Press: The New Look IG

Anyone who logs onto their IG Index spread betting account from today (Saturday 15 September) will notice a crisp new look, which I rather like. And if you don’t have an IG Index (now simply called “IG”) account, why not create one now? All of the functionality that I like so much appears still to […]