Today I am proud to announce the publication of the third edition of my Position Trading book. It’s an evolution rather than a revolution, so…
What wasn’t broke, I’ve left alone.
What was broke, I’ve tried to fix.
There’s enough new stuff to have made it worth the effort, but not so much as to make it unrecognizable from the earlier editions. Think of it as a mid-term facelift: the same car with new bumpers and an upgraded stereo, and with the back-end (final chapters) reshaped more than the front.
Buy the Paperback Book from or
WARNING: This strategy could seriously damage your wealth…or make you rich! |
Two Steps to Better Spread Betting:
Two Steps to Better Spread Betting:
1) Buy the Better Spread Betting Book
2) Sign up with Ayondo or InterTrader
Disclaimer: this posting is for general education only; it is not trading advice.