Archive | malcolm pryor

Trade of The Week: Inmarsat

This week’s featured “Trade of The Week” is on Inmarsat, the Capital Spreads chart for which is shown below. You can see how I established a new long position at a price of 528.3 on 3 August, and how this position is nicely in profit at the time of writing on 6 September. This position […]

Removing Currency Exposure with Spread Betting

It’s a short update today because, well, I do have a life. I wanted to highlight the fact that spread betting removes currency exposure from your trading. British spread bettors can bet on a US (or other country) stock or index, or a dollar-denominated commodity, without worrying about their “investment” falling merely as a result […]

Spread Betting Multimedia

Some people like learning about spread betting from books like my Better Spread Betting, Stop Orders and Position Trading books. Some people prefer to learn face-to-face with a spread betting guru at a seminar, and are willing to pay for it. If you want to see spread betting in practice, but without the seminar price […]