Lucky in the City

Today I was very lucky in the City (of London). But I don’t mean I made a killing with a once-in-a-lifetime day trade.

En route to a meeting to discuss a forthcoming forex project, while walking down a narrow street between two tall buildings, I fell foul (“foul” being the operative word) of a bird strike. “Splat!” to the left of my left shoe. “Splat!” to the right of my right shoe. And a suspicious small white after-splat on my suit jacket lapel, quickly remedied with a little spit-and-rub. With only five minutes to go before my meeting, I utilized every available mirrored office window to check for any collateral damage.
Upon regaling this tale to one of my existing acquaintances — just before meeting the CEO of an entirely new company — the first thing he said was “Oh, that’s meant to be lucky”. I think he meant that actually getting hit by a bird strike is lucky, but I felt luckier that I hadn’t really suffered any damage at all. I felt even luckier when I closed one of the deals that today’s meeting was arranged to discuss 🙂

Now, back at base… dare I check my trading account(s) for signs of even more luck?

Two Steps to Better Spread Betting:

1) Buy the Better Spread Betting Book
2) Sign up with Capital Spreads, IG, ETX Capital, or Spread Co

Disclaimer: this posting is for general education only; it is not trading advice.