New Spread Bettors, Start Here!

When you’ve been spread betting and writing about spread betting for some time, like I have, it is all too easy to get caught up in the technicalities of (for example) reviewing sample trades. And easy to forget that some readers will be just starting out with spread betting for the first time.

If you are just starting out from scratch, and perhaps with a more traditional “investment” mindset, here’s what you will need to get started:

  1. A spread betting account from the likes of Ayondo, IG, InterTrader, ETX CapitalSpreadEx, and Spread Co. They’re listed in a rough order of preference, but each has its merits, so feel free to check them all out and maybe even take each one for a spin. You don’t have to (and shouldn’t be tempted to) deposit much cash with any of them when you first open an account.
  2. Some good starter guides that explain spread betting from the ground up; in which case I would suggest reading The Financial Spread Betting Handbook, The Naked Trader’s Guide to Spread Betting, and (of course) my very own Better Spread Betting book / e-book… which, despite the “next level” sounding title, is actually very good for first timers (according to the reviews).

So there you go: getting started with financial spread betting in two easy steps!