Margin Call!

Don’t panic, I haven’t received a “margin call” (i.e. a request to deposit additional emergency funds to a spread betting account).

No, my headline reflects the fact that I watched the film Margin Call on DVD last night. Our family film night began with all four of us sitting down to watch, then my son dropped out to do something else, then my daughter dropped out, and then my wife fell asleep. This probably tells you what you need to know about the film– which was watchable but no exactly riveting.
We were expecting something more stylish and fast-paced, and with Kevin Spacey at the helm we were hoping for something more akin to his riveting “card counting” thriller 21. The whole family love that film, as well as the financial thrillers Rogue Trader and Boiler Room. Incidentally, the original Wall Street passes muster, but the follow-up Money Never Sleeps doesn’t quite do so.
Back to last night’s film Margin Call; my suspicions should first have been aroused when I noticed that at the bottom of the DVD it said “The Best Wall Street Film Yet!”. Unfortunately, it isn’t.

Two Steps to Better Spread Betting:

1) Buy the Better Spread Betting Book
2) Sign up with Capital Spreads, IG, ETX Capital, or Spread Co

Disclaimer: this posting is for general education only; it is not trading advice.