Trade of The Week: Enterprise Inns

This week’s “Trade of The Week” might be better described as “Trade of the Six Months” since it is a longer-term position trade that was in play from 28 December 2011 to 19 July 2012. In that time my nominal £1-per-point spread bet notched up a gross profit of £27.62 and a net profit (minus financing charges) of £25.85. The final performance of the trade is shown nicely in the ETX Capital OPEN POSITIONS tab like this:

Trading Enterprise Inns

I like the way that in this view ETX Capital shows the difference between the gross P/L and Net P/L, in a way that is reminiscent of the IG Index P&L Breakdown.

Since readers generally like to see charts of how these trades played out, here is the chart for this position trade:

Trading Enterprise Inns
I know it was a small stake as usual, albeit a real one, but you can imagine the proportionally bigger profit on a bigger bet. It was actually bigger for me too, since I ran the exact same position in other accounts including my Capital Spreads account; see:
Trading Enterprise Inns

Disclaimer: this posting is for general education only; it is not trading advice.